“If confetti were a feeling, that would be @letspurplle ”
Purplle was born in 2012, and it has lived ever since with only one purpose in its heart; to spread the joy of beauty to every corner of the country. And to revitalise the brand, we created a guiding philosophy that would shape every aspect of Purplle’s business: “Joy Of Beauty”
We got to have front-row seats to their journey — from a pure digital marketplace, to building & growing their own private labels, and now to scaling their offline retail presence across the country. With the evolution and growth of the business, the brand needed to evolve as well. We spent time with Manish & Rahul to define and redesign the brand, fuelled by our understanding of the Indian beauty consumer.
The new identity symbolises the Joy of Beauty for every Indian. Built on the principles of being Spirited, Instantaneous, Conversational and Pan-Indian, we interpreted what it means to spread the Joy that becomes our pillars of identity and communication. The brand mark is designed to be relatable and inclusive when it comes to beauty in India. It also conveys celebration in its form, building on the loops and arcs of confetti and pops and bursts associated with buzzing energy.
Inspired by various scripts found within India, the logo blends together the “ प “ characters to express a sense of diversity. It also embodies the fact that the joy of beauty is a feeling universal to all, no matter where they come from. Stable yet fluid, our logo stands for conversations beyond linguistic barriers, endless possibility and celebration—the dot at the end resembling a burst.
Beauty is becoming more about self expression and experimentation. The joy of this expression, this newfound freedom, is pictured in Purplle's gradient spectrum which bring joy, dynamism, vibrancy and energy to the brand and is used for brand moments—digital screens, packaging and in-store elements.
The simple graphic nature of our logo allows for a limitless number of dynamic patterns which bring in strong brand recall.