The quaint house of Mathura often came alive with his mischief. The lush forests of Brindhavan were witness to his eternal love story. And it was at the war fields of Kurukshetra that he gave Arjun the illuminating discourse of The Bhagavad Geeta. Makhanchor, Kaanha or Govinda; the stories accompanying each of Krsna's names are as enigmatic as he was.
In 2016, Zoya launched Krsna, a new jewellery line and I created the visual merchandising assets to display the jewellery in the store windows. The objective of the VM was to tell stories from Krishna’s life and this was brought to life using paper art which was layered to give a three dimensional immersive feel.
It’s the layers and intricacies of handcrafted paper art that helped to retell the tales of Indian mythology’s favourite mischief-maker, Krsna.
Design : Lekha Shastry
Manager: Sukanya Gopinath
Paper Artist: Parth Kothekar